Astrange creature recently caught by a fisherman on Lake Weishan China, Anhui province, South China. These creatures like turtles and a half crocodile. It seems like a cross between a turtle with the dinosaurs. Half-alligator turtle is not native to Lake Weishan.
These species are likely to come from North America and has become a pet before discharge into the lake, said the local fisheries department. They add, as an alien animal can cause harm to the local ecological system.Sun Yongcheng fishermen who catch thesecreatures say if he was shocked when the network capture of turtles and a halfcrocodile. These creatures length 76 cm and 30 cm wide with a weight of 7 kg.Jining Bureau of Fisheries spokesman, said this is the first time a tortoise and a half crocodile found on the local aquatic system. He also said kemungkinana a half alligator turtle, is a pet and cast into the lake.
These species are likely to come from North America and has become a pet before discharge into the lake, said the local fisheries department. They said, as an alien animal can cause harm to the local ecological system. Sun Yongcheng fishermen who catch these creatures say if he was shocked when the network capture of turtles and a half crocodile. These creatures length 76 cm and 30 cm wide with a weight of 7 kg. Jining Bureau of Fisheries spokesman, said this is the first time a tortoise and a half crocodile found on the local aquatic system. He also said maybe a half alligator turtle, is a pet and cast into the lake.